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It's easy to forget about access to sanitation facilities in developing countries while we have easy access to public restrooms, flushing toilets, and sinks for hand washing. Reliable and sustainable sanitation, however, is a basic human need. Most primary schools in Khwisero lack access to adequate sanitation facilities causing students, teachers, and community members to be at a high risk of contracting waterborne illnesses.  


EWB@MSU has been working to bring adequate and sustainable sanitation facilities to the people of Khwisero over the past fourteen years. Many schools currently use unlined pit latrines, allowing harmful bacteria to infiltrate the drinking water supply. Our goal is to directly increase the health and education of the students in Khwisero by implementing the improved sanitation options listed below, composting and biogas latrines. We continually strive to develop a stronger partnership with M-koko, our partner organization in Khwisero, and ensure that the projects we implement are Kenyan-driven and have community buy-in. Implementing a latrine is more than just blueprints and calculations- it's about building lasting relationships and working toward healthy people and a healthy environment.  


In the coming year, we will be working towards diversifying and improving the projects we implement. An instrumental aspect of this is developing a relationship with the Centre of Excellence in Water and Sanitation at Mzuzu University in Malawi. This partnership will allow us to gain a fresh perspective on our projects and assist us in thoroughly evaluating potential sanitation alternatives.

Click here to view our Composting Handbook. This resource explains how to manage human waste!

Composting Latrines

Our 14 composting latrines are built to convert human waste into fertilizer for crops, providing both income and food for the school when used.

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